- Andre lande, udenrigspolitik, krig (54)
- Articles in english (4)
- Bush, Neokonomien og Dollaren (12)
- Dansk debat (94)
- Dansk Kapitalisme (16)
- Dansk politisk økonomi (36)
- Debat om Europa og EU (68)
- Den økonomiske krise (54)
- Enhedslisten (20)
- Eurokrisen (10)
- Global politisk økonomi (41)
- Historie (1)
- Hoveder og Høveder. Bind 0: Indholdsfortegnelse (1)
- Hoveder og Høveder. Bind I: Privatejendom og Markedsøkonomi (17)
- Hoveder og Høveder. Bind II: Kapitalisme (19)
- Hoveder og Høveder. Bind III: Demokrati og Økonomisk Demokrati (17)
- Hoveder og Høveder. Kritik og Antikritik (3)
- Hoveder og Høveder. Litteraturliste, sammenfatninger og registre (4)
- Kritik af Privatarbejdet (1)
- Økonomisk og politisk teori (36)
- SF (16)
Kategoriarkiv: Articles in english
Capitalism and Crises in Denmark
Article on the economic crises in Denmark.
Published in transform!, European Journal for alternative Thinking and Political Dialogue, no. 4, 2009. Læs resten
From Market Economy to Capitalistic Plan Economy
The article argues that global capitalism has increased competition among workers, small firms and the countries, but at the global level competition – thus true market economy – has diminished. Economic power has been concentrated, due to mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances among the transnational companies. This development points towards capitalistic plan economy.
Published in Forum for development Studies, No. 1, 2006.
Danish and English summary
Danish and english summary of the dissertation ‘Hoveder and Høveder’. Læs resten
Polarization or Convergence?
Based on the most recent and comprehensive studies, the article argues a) that global inequality is most likely increasing, and b) that internal inequality has been increasing almost all over the world.
Increasing internal inequality seems to be connected to neo-liberal policies, while it is more difficult to establish the reasons behind increasing global inequality. The article criticises, however, the method used in the type of answers which build on stories of liberal successes and non-liberal failures; it is argued that this method presupposes what the authors want to prove, namely that globalisation (neo-liberalism) is beneficial.
The article was published Forum for Developmental Studies, No. 1, 2002. Læs resten
Udgivet i Articles in english, Global politisk økonomi
Tagget globalisering, nyliberalisme, ulighed
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